Garrett Brown, Harvard Undergraduate will talk about
Error Correcting Codes:
Imagine you as a child have developed a secret code with a friend that you wish
to transmit over a string telephone. The problem is, string telephones aren't
always quite clear, and your friend doesn't always receive the message perfectly.
To solve this problem, you would like to develop a system where the message
itself has added information (e.g. repetition) that makes it easier for your friend
to correct a mistake if it should occur. This is the essence of error correcting
codes. Error correcting codes are a surprising application of linear algebra to
solve a discrete problem. In particular, it is an example of why linear algebra
in its most general form is developed with the set of scalars being a field rather
than just R or C. This talk will assume only that the audience has an idea of
vectors in R n, and matrices with real entries.
Food will be served