Some Archived News and Announcements:
More recent News and Announcements
- CDM Conference, November 2010
- Oct 28, 2010: EE seminar series: Rob Ghrist, UPenn Math, Euler Calculus for Sensor Data
- Oct, 8: 2010: Sign up for the 71st Annual Putnam mathematical competition on December 4, 2010.
- Sep, 18, 2010, There is a book signing at Harvard Bookstore of the new Yau-Nadis book
- Feb 18-20, 2010: Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM). Details.
Mathematics concentrators interested in competing should organize a 3-person team; then inform Peter Kronheimer ([email protected]) until February 13, 2010.
- Feb 8, 2010. A Special presentation, suitable for all Mathematics students and faculty, in Science Center Room 232 from 4:00 to 5:00 PM.
Low dimensional topology for fun and profit or, How to Extract Money from the 4th Dimension.
Event Suggestion:
Do you organize an event, which needs to be announced here, please use the Feedback form on this page.
To submit seminars
for the Mathematics department, please contact the main office. To do so, please submit
Seminar series title, Talk title, Speaker, Institution of the speaker, Time, Date, Location.