Sectioning: After the introductory meetings,
calculus is taught in sections. To enroll in
MathMb, Math 1b, Math 21a, or Math 21b, you
must section by computer during the period not later than 4:30 PM on Monday,
January 28th. Note that you can re-section as often as you
like during this time and your previous entry will be erased.
Directions for Sectioning by computer:
Your section assignment will be emailed to you by Thursday evening, January 31th.
Calculus advising and placement help is
available as follows: (we prefer to do calculus
advising in person rather than by phone or by e-mail).
Calculus Advising - Spring 2019
Date | | Time | Advisor(s) | Location |
Monday | 1/28 | 9:00am - 12:30pm | Multiple advisors | Sign in at 4th floor elevators |
Monday | 1/28 | 12:30pm - 4:00pm | Multiple advisors | Sign in outside SC 232 |
Tuesday | 1/29 | 11:00 am -12:00pm | Oliver Knill | SC 432 |
Wednesday | 1/30 | 1:00pm - 2:00pm | Brendan Kelly | SC 422 |
Thursday | 1/31 | 11:00am - 12:00pm | Dusty Grundmeier | SC 225 |
Friday | 2/1 | 9:00am -10:00am | Brendan Kelly | SC 422 |
REQUIRED Introductory Meetings will be held for each course
on the following dates and locations:
Course | Date |
Location | Time |
Mb | Mon, Jan 28 | Sci Center A | 8:15am |
1b | Mon, Jan 28 | Sci Center D | 8:15am |
21a | Mon, Jan 28 | Sci Center C | 8:15am |
21b | Mon, Jan 28 | Sci Center B | 8:15am |
23b | Mon, Jan 28 | Sci Center E | 8:15am |
The Non-sectioned courses 1a,19b,25 begin on Monday, January 28th.
Math 22 will begin on Tuesday, January 29th and Math 23 will begin on Thursday,
January 31st and Friday February 1st.
Sections in 1b,21a,21b will begin on Friday, February 1st.